Another competition? Yes, it’s competition time again!
competition time
To celebrate the upcoming release of Twisted Poems of a Warped Mind on 07 October 2016 I’m having another giveaway! As I’ve previously mentioned, this is something I’d like to do for every one of my books, prior to it’s official release. This is my way of thanking you for being a loyal ‘angel follower’ (subscriber of my newsletter). competition time
Not sold on a book of poetry? At the risk of sounding like a used car salesman, trust me, this isn’t your usual book of poems. Still not sold? The ‘look inside’ feature will be available once the book is officially released and to whet your appetite, here’s a couple of examples:
Halloween: Witches Brew
Witches coven holds its meeting
To discuss the trick or treating
Need sweeties for the little ones
Lollipops and sticky buns
And for the pièce de résistance
If the witches can go the distance
A special homemade witches’ brew
The perfect touch for their little do
So witches set about the pot
Build the fire to make it hot
In the cauldron many things go
Lizard’s breath and ogre’s toe
Slimy frog and tail of rat
Rotten egg and wing of bat
Maggot mash and dead man’s hair
Homeless person’s underwear
Add some water from a stagnant pond
Stir it slow with a witch’s wand
When it smells you know it’s done
Serve it up and have some fun
Watch the kiddies choke and die
On witches brew you can rely.
… what do you mean you were after a love potion!
Pure Fun: Miss Temptation
Miss Temptation,
That is me.
More of a woman,
Than most will be.
Shake my booty,
To taunt and tease.
You’ll be eager,
And willing to please.
Wined and dined,
Each night of the week.
Waiting for those words,
I never will speak.
Why settle down,
When you’re having so much fun.
Miss Temptation’s reign,
Has only just begun!
Tell me more!
If you’re already an angel follower, you don’t need to do a thing, as you’re already in the draw. For those of you who aren’t angel followers, simply join (and remain on) my mailing list for the duration of the competition. It’s that simple!
You could win one of:
1 x $30 (USD) Amazon Gift Card
3 x signed copies of Twisted Poems of a Warped Mind
6 x Twisted Poems of a Warped Mind eBooks
Entries close on 01 October 2016 11:59pm AEST. A random-picker website will be used to conduct the draw, and the winners will be announced on, or before, Friday 07 October 2016 — provided the winners’ eligibility to enter has been verified.
The Terms and Conditions can be found here. Please do take the time to have a read, as some of you may be ineligible to enter. (You are still most welcome to become an angel follower and receive news, freebies and updates though.)
Good luck! competition time
Become an angel follower to enter the competition
and receive a free ebook as a welcome gift!
competition time
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